Sunday, April 11, 2010

Walking in the Rain with the Rev?!

OK, my working with Dave gags are wearing thin and getting creepy! Only one cover left after this one. Here's number 4. I'm throwing in uncensored doggie nuts and pucker for you people!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Creepin with the Rev.

Here's the Prelude to Deadpool Corps #3 cover. Like I said Dave decided to throw the kitchen sink at this one. Marvel Hero Wacky Races should totally be a TV show. Only 2 more to go!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Steppin' out with the Rev.

This was actually the first cover I got from Dave before he left for vacation. I don't think the wacky races kind of idea he ended up doing was totally formed in his head when he did this one. We got this one done and figured we'd come back to it when he did the rest. My first crack at it...

Dave was NOT feeling the blue and yellow thing and then I realized he made the little guy's truck look like a Deadpool mask too so I went back in and made that red too...

The burst was just there as a placeholder until Dave figured out what he was going to do with the background. Here's what we ended up with...

Dave- "I decided to go ahead and draw the entire Marvel Universe in the grandstand."
Rico- "The last 3 covers are due tomorrow right?"
Dave- "Yep!"
Rico- "ok."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Moonlighting with the Rev.

I'm blessed with some fun extracurricular (not Loose Ends) gigs every now and then. One such job came up a couple months ago. I got a cryptic message from the Reverend Dave Johnson, y'know, that guy that does all the awesome covers? He was taking a quick vacation and asked if I could give him a hand coloring five covers. Yes! I'll try to post all five covers this week, and tell you a little bit about what was going on while working on them. Here's numero uno...