inks for the third of four NOLA covers, from Boom! Studios, issue #1 out on wednesday. maybe 2 years ago i'd done this tiny 2 inch size sketch for a poster, inked it and scanned at 1600 dpi to see what'd happen. it printed allright, at around 3 feet tall the lines were real wobble-y but kinda cool, like a blown out photocopy. so, messing around with that still, the figure in bandages and the background here are inked at print size, hopefully they look out of focus as compared to the figure in the mirror. noticed this in Gorillaz, where if a character moves up close to the camera the lineweight is scaled up accordingly, instead of being the same thickness. ah, we'll see how it goes.
now i see what all the hub-bub was a about. i like what you work on the images seperately, then peice them back together. smooth.
peace out
Now that's how you draw a woman.
Love seeing your process. Great work.
looks rad! are you doing the interior as well?
arnie- there's a hub-bub? really? love a good hub-bub. as much as i miss having all the black and white stuff on one board, the printed comic is really the original art. thanks for sayin hey sir!
BROCASSO- haha, it's one way, yeah. sometimes you can't help it.
Brian- thanks captain! noted.
A-much appreciated sir. nope not doing the interiors...... am drawing/designing a book called Loose Ends along with Rico who's coloring/designing and Jason Latour (see links) who's writing/lettering/designing. will post some of that soon.....
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