Thursday, February 17, 2011



Gary Fitzgerald said...

I'm keeping that one as an example of how to ink.. ;-)

Adrian Johnson said...

I give up... CB, you are on some Next Level ish right now. Colors on the woman and background are so rich and harmonious. Truly lovely work.

And a question: please tell me that you may be offering some of these hot-a$$ sketches for sale at HeroesCon or otherwise?!

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!!!! That is smoother than the head of Telly Savalas.

chris be said...

Gary- hah, shucks sir, i don't know what to say, cept thanks! feel better knowing you have JP Leon on hand, that guy's the boss.

Adrian- much appreciated sir, really just scrounging for that next level, it's gotta be somewhere. Answer: Yeah, these sketches are stacking up, and enough people are asking about em that I'll bring em to HeroesCon. Telly I gave to Herc, Casey Jones asked for Sherilyn Fenn, I hold Zoe for you. the condition is that we don't talk about it til June, i'm working real hard to keep these light, fun and whatever. knowing they get seen at all mucks that up a bit, so considering someone might own them could be a bit much.

Herc- nothing's that smooth ;p thanks for the doodle page, really amazing work, humbling to watch you knock em down like that. you're the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you humble me with your words. I'm glad you like the page. See you next week.

UEBow said...

Hello mate nice post