Man alive, this cover was a bear. From an Image comic called "The Ride" (see 12 Gauge link) with a ghost story that took place in Savannah, GA. The interiors were done by students at the Savannah College of Art and Design, all proceeds go towards their Sequential Art Scholarship Fund (which didn't exist when this drop-out attended). In the story the pink lady was a psychic, so we got rims from the car behind her head, and the shape of her right arm mirrored with the stripe along the car- she knows whats on its way. Tarot cards correspond: "hanged man" by the cop and overlapping a tree branch, "the tower" top left near where the Image logo prints, "high priestess" by the stoned pink psychic, "the chariot" by the windshield, and "the hermit" near........uhhh, yeah. Rico destroyed this one, several times over. Many color schemes, what Rico likes to call "sounds" (Ross? "Friends"?), shifted along the way. He had some incredible nightime colors, for example, that didn't jive only cause I'd lit the buildings like daytime and couldn't re-draw.......my bad. Love the blue/green scheme in particular, there's something right about every set of "sounds" put down. By far the most delicate balancing act we ever tried, developed a whole new respect for Drew Struzan. Anyone can draw collages all out-of-scale, but how do you hold it together in color?
rico adds...
Yes indeed, this cover was a nightmare for me! I didn't really have time to plan it out the way I would have liked to so I just kind of dove in and started laying in color, ctrl+Uing and sliding stuff around. It was a bitch getting things to jive. I was never really happy with the work I did on this, I think Chris bailed me out in the end, with some last minute tweaking. I really loved the way it looked when it printed!
sometimes just diving in delivers the best suprises. letting your creativity loose once in a while has it's advantages. as seen above. what a ride...
peace out
Love the comments with the art... keep 'em coming, men!
yeah, this one was a hell of a ride, still on it! just doing the post and not getting back into it was tough. i like the blue background better now than the first time around. appreciate the comments fellas, thanks for sticking around! thanks again!
hey all-
gotta obsess, gotta ask, gotta get better. this is w/out a doubt the hardest Rico an i ever worked, and its pretty quiet out there. i hear the crickets. what doesnt click about this? is it too much? honesty and criticism is more than welcome, its necessary; if you like whats good here, you are obligated to speak on the bad.
btw, i really hope, someday, "blog" gets replaced by "ANY OTHER WORD", its fuggin crap as far as words go.
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